Craig SmithI am Dr. Craig Smith. I practice clinical orthopedics and sports medicine at Direct Orthopedic Care (D.O.C.) in Meridian Idaho. During my career I’ve had the pleasure of serving as team physician for the Ohio State University (Buckeyes), and South Dakota State University( jackrabbits). And have served as a consultant for many other professional, collegiate, and high school sporting organizations.
I have had the pleasure of knowing Carlie Young since May 2017. From this time to November 4, 2017 she helped me train for a physique competition. Her experience was amazing! She did so much more than just write up workout programs and schedule diet plans: her knowledge of applied macro nutrition is second to none and I have worked with elite level trainers in the past. Carlie Young dots the I’s and crosses the T’s. She aggressively troubleshoots body fat percentage if progress is not being made and expertly uncovers the solution. She addresses the whole person; including sleep cycle, supplementation and uncovers psychological factors that impede progress. It is remarkable to observe her results, especially with impressionable young ladies that lack self-esteem. She pays strict attention to detail in mind body and spirit. It has been an honor and a privilege to train under the expertise of Carlie Young and I would endorse her with my highest recommendation possible. Craig M. Smith M.D. M.S. |
Just some of our amazing client transformations!